
 Covenant Membership matters.

What’s the difference between being an “attender” and a “member”? It can be summed up in one word: commitment! If you find yourself regularly attending Redemption Road, we ask you to consider covenant membership for these reasons:

  1. It’s biblical. The church is Christ’s bride, and He is committed to his church. (Eph. 5:25)

  2. It creates accountability.

  3. It creates community.

What's expected of me as a member?

Covenant members are expected to abide by the Bible’s teachings and commands as Christians. When it comes to the church, the Bible says

  1. Protecting the unity of the church

  2. Serving in the ministry of the church

  3. Proclaiming the Gospel to the lost

Interested in becoming a member?

Fill out this form to be notified of the next new covenant members class: